SUDDEN hot weather has forced me to put into practice "operation summer".

As is usual it takes me time to mentally and physically prepare myself for the showing of the flesh that sunshine necessitates.

A glance around the playground shows that I am not the only one struggling with the transition.

I spend the first week sweltering in my suede, knee-high winter boots, shedding like a snake my warm layers week by week until the flip flops finally appear.

Husband looks on in amusement as I continue to wear my boots while he enjoys the freedom of his sandals.

He obviously has no concept of what preparation has to go into getting legs and feet ready for public display.

I explain that there are certain processes that one has to go through before legs can be bared and toes let loose on the world. Apart from nail polish and a razor, there may also be a bit of buffing involved.

I put it into a language he can understand. "A fighter plane that has sat idle for six months will need a few checks before it is ready to fly into battle," I say.

He tells me that fighter planes are in a state of ever-readiness. Make a mental note not to try to compare myself to a fighter plane in the future.

Hot weather brings out the crowds for the family fun day at St Michael's Park.

Daughter is given her first taste of freedom and allowed to roam around with a friend.

Husband watches her from afar as she marches off with a handbag on her shoulder, a purse full of coins and a very determined look on her eye.

"Look at her," he says. "It's a nightmare. She's a natural-born shopper."