EXPECT shiny armour and impressive combat moves at a lively interactive show in Cirencester later this week.

Armed with knowledge of the Roman period, a re-enactment group called Ermine Street Guard will be bringing Roman history to life at Corinium Museum on Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6.

Families will get the opportunity to hear about the soldier’s kit, daily life and weaponry in the museum’s Hare Gallery.

Children can also take part in Soldier School and have a picture taken next to one of the shiny soldiers. 

This event has been sponsored by Friends of Corinium Museum.

Chris Haines MBE, a dedicated member of the re-enactment group, said: "The Ermine Street Guard first appeared at the museum in 1974.

"This year marks 50 years since our first appearance - that makes me feel old!"

Advance admission tickets are available on coriniummuseum.org