ONE week into the summer holidays and the children are slowly learning to chill out.

As well as picnics and garden water fights we have squeezed in a two-day camping expedition in the worst storm I have seen for several years.

The children slept through a night of torrential rain, thunder and lightning, whilst I spent the evening moving my bed around as the tent slowly leaked, finally falling asleep at 3am under a golf umbrella.

The trip was declared a huge success in the morning and I was just glad to be alive.

Decided on my return that I needed some adult time and a trip to a new bar above a cake shop in Cirencester was suggested.

The chocolate coloured walls were a hit as was the fantastic piano player who could turn his fingers to Oasis or Neil Diamond.

But I was slightly bemused by the over the top security guards in black shirts and armbands. Remind you of anyone?

The heavy door security consisting of photo id and electronic fingerprinting also gave me pause for thought.

It was obviously designed to keep the undesirables out but surely the old tried and tested method of looking at people’s shoes would have worked just as well? I had put on my gold shoes especially and the nice man at the door didn’t even notice them.

However, doubts were dispelled when the champagne cork popped on the stroke of midnight.

I finally knew that I was in the right place and was just delighted that the rigorous door policy had not excluded me.

Hurrah, I wanted to shout as I drank my second glass of bubbly. This is surely proof that I am finally one of the beautiful people in this market town.